Nôž dorazil - predčil moje očakávania - až mám chuť si ho ponechať :) Ďakujem
Martin P.
Ak vám mám pravdu povedať, jeden môj kuchár má od vas nôž a nevie si to vynachváliť.
David K.
Môj muž mal slzy v očiach z noža :) krásna práca aj ta myšlienka sa nám dokonale podarila.
Posielam pomyselný high five a ďakujem krásne :)
Dominika B.
Už ho mám doma, je to nádherna nádhera :) Až budem chcieť nejaký špeciálny kus pre moju osobnú potrebu, tak sa určite ozvem.. vlastne, určite ho budem chcieť.
David B.
moc děkujeme! Muž už si nůž rozbalil a hned i vyzkoušel. Je z něj nadšený! Hned facetimoval všem známým a pyšně ho ukazoval.
Káťa Z.
opäť ste nesklamali..krásny kus noža, úchop, vyváženie, design... proste už by aj mňa mohol niekto takým obdarovať
Peter M.
chcem Vam este raz podakovat za krasne vyrobeny damaskovy noz pre manzela. Uz ho dostal a je uplne nadseny
Silvia R.
I bought a beautiful knife as a gift for my father, thank you Palo for a great and professional job. He liked the knife very much.
Andrej Soltes
Super knives from super Palo. I bought the knife as a gift for my fiance, who had been looking at these knives for a long time. He was very pleased with the gift and is already implementing it in the kitchen on a large scale. :)) Palo is otherwise very willing and I would like to thank him once again! :)
Carolina Cardoso
I already had the second knife made and I am very satisfied. Precise work, luxurious design, personal approach. The price is proportional to the quality. well thank you
Chut od Naty
Pavol is a master. I ordered a santoku knife. A knife made by hand, with such high quality and precision, is an art. In addition, the presentation and packaging were perfect. Palove knives are the Apple of knives.
Gustav Simon
A very nice experience, from ordering, fine-tuning the details, communication to the result, which was really breathtaking. It met all my expectations and I would recommend Palove knives to anyone
Simona Balogova
If you are looking for a great knife with a unique design, then Palove knives are the best choice. Custom made craft knife. Absolute satisfaction.
Kamil Tomcofcik
A beautiful knife with its own design, which I designed myself. Palko beautifully applied it to the blade and the perfect gift was born. The husband was delighted.
Ivana Jakabovičová
The husband found a knife from Palko as a gift under 🌲. As a professional chef, he appreciated its design, quality, sharpness and the fact that it fits perfectly in the hand. We definitely recommend it to everyone who is looking for not only quality, but also a beautiful design. It's certainly not the last here 😉
Maria Zahon
I kept cursing when I had to cut something at home, my knives were a disaster. Then a short distance from Pali came into the household, and cutting and slicing is a joy. And it's also a joy for the eyes. If you are looking for a reliable and aesthetic knife, I definitely recommend Palove knives
Lulu K
Keby sa dalo dal by som aj šesť hviezdičiek. Palo je veľmi šikovný a milý. Vyrobil skvelý nôž, super komunikácia. Fakt že veľká spokojnosť. Ešte raz jedno veľké ďakujem
Filip Výpala